Onion is a part of all the family of vegetables and herbs, including knob, garlic, scallions and leeks. All the vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for their characteristics, encouraging tastes and medicinal properties.
It is estimated that around 100 billion pounds of onion is harvested every year. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), China is the largest producer.
Onion consumes the onion to reduce the risk of many types of cancer and improve the mood and maintain the skin and hair health.
Facts on Onions:
Onions have been used for food for thousands of years; In ancient Egypt, they used worship and burial rites.
There are many healthy benefits by reducing the risk of onions, heart disease, and cancer.
They are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Onion is very easy to add in a diet, in a variety of ways that can be prepared and cooked in conventional foods.
All types of consumption fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of long-term living conditions.
Many studies have suggested that increased consumption of plant foods such as onions reduces the risk of overall deaths, diabetes, and heart disease.
Plant foods promote a healthy color, hair, increased energy and overall low weight.
Breath and stomach cancer
Foods that are frequently consumed in all vegetables reduce the risk of eosophage and stomach cancer. Several survey based human studies have demonstrated information on the prevention of cellulose oxygen cells in cells and the possible safety effects of micronutrients.
Skin and hair
Onion is rich in Vitamin C, which requires the structure of the collagen and maintenance of the skin and the hair.
All veggies are widely studied with cancer, particularly in stomach and colon cancer. Their advantages and prevention effects may be due to the combination of their rich organs.
These compounds do not have a formal mechanism to prevent cancer, but hypotheses prevent growth and genetic modification of growth and prevent free radical formation. Onion is also a source of strong antioxidant vitamin C, which helps against the formation of free radicals that can cause cancer.
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