
Jasmine is one of the oldest & best fragrant flowers grown. The Jasmine flower is used for many purposes such as in bouquets, adorning the hair of women, making garlands, religious offerings etc. It is also used in making perfumes and cosmetics and makes for an excellent aromatherapy agent.

Caring for jasmine

 Provide stakes for climbing jasmine: Many varieties of jasmine require stakes to climb in order to grow strong and healthy. Place a tall stake or a trellis a few inches from the base of the jasmine, and gently wrap it around the stake as it grows.

 Keep the environment moistWater the soil around the jasmine throughout the growing season to keep it moist, but not soggy. A good rule of thumb for determining when the water jasmine is to water when the soil begins to look and feel a little dry.

Fertilize the jasmine once a month:During the growing season, fertilizing the jasmine once a month will keep it blooming. Sprinkle a balanced fertilizer that is water soluble around the base of the jasmine.

Prune the jasmine: Throughout the growing season, remove dead leaves, flowers and stems by pinching them off or using hand pruners to make a cut flush with the main stem of the plant. Tidy the plants by pruning stray stems.

Additional Tips:

Jasmine plants can be propagated during the summer from tip cuttings.
Not all jasmine varieties produce fragrance. If the scent is important to you, be sure to select a
  fragrant variety.
Plant jasmine close to your home, patio, or walkway in order to enjoy its intense fragrance and to get a good view of the hummingbirds and butterflies that your jasmine will attract.

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